Saturday, November 7, 2009

The First of Many

Hello all,

Let me say first that the name of this blog may be a tad bit misleading. This is definately a pro direct sales blog site. A "whistleblower" is someone who takes the truth and makes that information public, be it bad or good. The purpose of this site is to do exactly that with an industry that we all care for. The Direct Sales industry is full of opinion, testimonials and emotion. There is no place for that here. This is a place to discuss facts, the industry and how to make it better, bigger, faster and stronger.

We hope that this will be the beginning of something great. We have a small group of individuals from different companies within the direct Sales industry that will all be contributing to this blogsite. Check back regularly for new posts and feel free to comment. Remember that we welcome objectivity, accuracy and truth. if you push a particular agenda or a certain company in particular we will ask you to back it up with facts. Expect to be challenged and to be criticized but all within the scope of leaving this industry a little better than we have found it.


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