Thursday, November 19, 2009

Amway Associated Press Article

This was something I saw on the wire. I know a few people in Amway and have spoken to them over the past few days. It just appears that this "steamlining" is exactly that. Just reorganizing of certain areas of the company that had gotten too fat. Anyone have any other ideas, input?

Amway Axes 93 Employees
Posted on 18. Nov, 2009 by Dan Mitchell in Amway, Network Marketing News

ADA TOWNSHIP, MICH. — Direct-selling giant Amway says it's eliminating 93 positions in the United States and Canada over the next 15 months due to a consolidation of its financial operations.

Amway Corp. said in a release issued Monday most of the jobs are finance-related and will be trimmed at its global headquarters in Ada, Mich., just east of Grand Rapids, Mich.

Amway says it hopes to eliminate as many positions as possible through attrition and early retirement, and by moving employees to open positions elsewhere in the company.

Its European operations also are being streamlined but the company says it won't have details about that until next year.

Source: Associated Press

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